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Super Standards
演出家の高橋研太と写真家の山本顕史との偶然の出会いから発生したレーベル。北国である札幌の地を生かし、さらにそこから世界へ発信する映像レーベルを目指している。二人はこれまでに短編映画を1本と、Music Videoを2本製作。短編映画『Visiting The God of Rock‘n Roll』は、Doi Saket International FilmFestivalでも上映された。Music Videoでも、ミュージシャンとその曲のイメージを大切にしながら、それに自分たちなりの新しい解釈を加え、さらにお客さんやファンの方々に楽しんで頂けるようなものに仕上げている。つまり、Super Standardsとは、Standard(規範)となる技術や方法論を有した二人が、さらにそれを超え、Super(極上の)な作品を作るというコンセプトのもとに作られたレーベルである。


Super Standards is a label that was set up after a coincidental encounter of Kenta Takahashi,a producer,and Akihito Yamamoto, a photographer.
Takahashi and Yamamoto aims to present films to the world that represent characteristics of the northern landscape of Sapporo.
The pair have produced a short film and 2 music videos together. The short film,Visiting The God of Rock‘n Roll, was screened at the Doi Saket International FilmFestival,Thailand(http://dsiff.tumblr.com/films).

Takahashi and Yamamoto also succeededin producing music videos that would attract a wider audience and fan base by making most out of the musicians and the images of their music and adding their own sensibilities at the same time.
Super Standard started with a concept that these two talents who have the ability to make the‘standards’ with their technique and philosophies and take it to a‘super’ level in their work.

◆Akihito Yamamoto (HP:http://harebare.co.jp/)
Yamamoto started commercial photography in 2002.
In winter, he works on a long-term project in which he photographs the winter of Sapporo where he lives, and which he then exhibits. As it is currently out of season, he is currently considering starting a new project where he will document Japanese gold inlay repairs for pottery. His own sense of aesthetics and hidden sense of humour are the important factors his creativity. Recent development in movie functions on digital single lens cameras led him to pursue filmmaking projects.

◆Kenta Takahashi (HP:http://blockhead-films.com/)
After graduating Tohoku University and pursuing a film course in Kyoto,Takahashi worked as an assistant director and as an assistant stage director.
He then decided to give up his filmmaking and producing career. After a blank period, he realised that filmmaking was actually what he wanted to do and came back to his home in Hokkaido to make his own films in Sapporo. In terms of direction, he does not believe in novelty, but in direction that would capture the ‘film-esque’ moments.

by join_sapporo2 | 2013-02-18 21:05 | documentary

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