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idea from Tomohiko Ogawa, landscape artist

idea from Tomohiko Ogawa, landscape artist_b0165697_11103726.jpg
Sapporo2project shares the sprit of "TAGGING". Tomohiko Ogawa


# by join_sapporo2 | 2013-02-06 11:13

idea from Thomas Schmall, Artist

idea from Thomas Schmall, Artist_b0165697_15164331.jpg
The first is the tunnel idea. One could melt the snow, and let it become ice that forms a solid tunnel. Voles do it like that, when they make snow tunnels. So one could look at tricks of those animals - for example they make breathing tunnels from time to time. Then again, in spring they fall victim to melting pretty often... so maybe version two is safer with some frame that keeps the snow (and melting water) out.

idea from Thomas Schmall, Artist_b0165697_1517618.jpg

Idea two is to find a deep pit, and throw the snow in there. There is a turbine at the top, so the gravity of the snow turns it, and creates some energy. ... even better: At the bottom it's hot because of the magma in your region. So the snow melts, becomes steam, and rotates the turbine again. Double energy!
It might not be as crazy as it seems. In Germany they're doing feasibility tests right now with storing water in old mine shafts. Their idea is to drop it when energy is needed, and then pump it up again when there is enough free energy in the grid.... but only because Germany doesn't have so much lava you see.

2013_Thomas Schmall, Artist, Germany, based in The Netherlands

# by join_sapporo2 | 2013-02-04 15:22 | proposal

Daily Documentation by Chaong Wen Ting, Artist

Daily Documentation by Chaong Wen Ting, Artist_b0165697_13311037.jpg

Daily Documentation by Chaong Wen Ting, Artist_b0165697_13314344.jpg

Daily Documentation by Chaong Wen Ting, Artist_b0165697_1332262.jpg

Daily Documentation by Chaong Wen Ting, Artist_b0165697_13321894.jpg

The snow of Sapporo are the result of humanity, they seem to be half organic, continuously growing over time. The significance of the snow extends from the center to the edge. The edge then becomes the center, forming a new edge. Due to its intricate structure, the history of a snow is constantly in transition. However, like an organism, snow also age, die, and are reborn. Because of the rapid rate of change, there is not enough time for the organism to create a new cell. Once the snow has become water vapor , it also becomes a statement on contemporary human landscape. Perhaps the landscape was influenced by migrations, whether natural or because of war. These snow transfiguration, both surreal and metaphysical, provide distinctive perspectives on culture.

Chaong Wen Ting


# by join_sapporo2 | 2013-02-04 13:34 | documentary

feb.4 morning

feb.4 morning_b0165697_1345093.jpg
making snow slope for kids at nakajim park, just one day before Sapporo Snow Festival

# by join_sapporo2 | 2013-02-04 13:09 | documentary

feb.3, mid night

feb.3, mid night_b0165697_1259149.jpg
parking lot, south11west7

# by join_sapporo2 | 2013-02-04 13:00 | documentary